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VA Technical Reference Model v 24.4

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Release/Decision Help File

Technology/Standard Vendor Release Information

The Vendor Release Information section provides a table that lists all the known releases for the targeted technology/standard. This information is obtained from the technology/standard vendor. The release information table contains the following information:
Column Name Description
Version Lists the version number of the technology/standard (e.g. Release major.minor)
Release Identifies the release date of the specific version of the technology/standard
End of Life Date Identifies the end of life date of the specific version of the technology/standard. End of life is when the vendor is no longer making any changes to the technology/standard
Vendor De-support Date Identifies when the vendor will no longer support the specific version of the technology [Applies only to Technology entries]
Standard Retract Date Identifies when the Standards Body will no longer support the specific version of the standard [Applies only to Standard entries]

Technology/Standard VA Decision Information

The Current VA Decision Information section presents a table which provides decision information that forecasts the VA IT position regarding different releases of the technology/standard as shown in Figure 1.

There are five possible decisions for a version:

  • Approved - indicates the technology/standard has been approved for use.
  • Approved w/Constraints - indicates the technology/standard may only be used within the entries specified constraints.
  • Unapproved - means the technology/standard has not been approved for use. It may be only be used if a POA&M review is conducted and signed by the Authorizing Official Designated Representative (AODR) as designated by the Authorizing Official (AO) or designee based upon a recommendation from the POA&M Compliance Enforcement has been granted to a project.
  • Prohibited - The technology/standard is not (currently) permitted to be used under any circumstances.
  • Divest - VA has decided to divest itself on the use of the technology/standard. As a result, all projects currently utilizing the technology/standard must plan to eliminate their use of the technology/standard. Additional information on when the entry is projected to become unapproved may be found on the Decision tab for the specific entry.
Figure 1: Decision Table Example
Decision Table Example
Click for larger view.

The Decison Table is divided into three sections as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Decision Table Sections
Decision Table Sections
Click for larger view.

How to Use the Decision Table
Using your planned development window, you can determine which release of the technology/standard to use. For example, if your development is scheduled to begin in Q2 of the 2016 calendar year and last for 6 months, there are two versions that are supported in this time frame; 1, 2, 3, and 4 (see Figure 3). In cases where there are multiple version supported in your release timeline, you are to utilize the latest version that is supported.
Figure 3: Decision Table Usage Example
Decision Table Usage Example
Click for larger view.