Note: This list may not be complete. No component, listed or unlisted, may be used outside of
the technology in which it is released. The usage decision for a component is found in the Decision
and Decision Constraints.
Animal Resource Center (ARC) Assistant
Animal Resource Center (ARC) Assistant works in conjunction with Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) to manage and maintain its animal ordering, processing, breeding, per diem and cage censuses. ARC Assistant assists institutions in complying with mandated regulations. |
Conflict of Interest (COI) Assistant
Conflict of Interest (COI) Assistant is used to manage an institutions annual disclosure reviews and submission specific disclosures. Research communities report their annual disclosures to their institutions COI officer through an online submission process. Users have the ability to create a paperless review and sign-off process, generate letter correspondence and see the status of the review. |
Effort Reporting Assistant
Effort Reporting Assistant allows each user to capture the actual time it took to complete not only their patient related tasks, but also other study related activities for a given period of time. Reviewers can reject time cards, send them back for correction and filter reports by date, staff member and project. |
Feasibility Assistant
Feasibility Assistant electronically submits study proposals to the Feasibility Board for approval. The module is used to report on all resources needed in the clinical trial study, such as budget, overhead, subjects, drugs and devices and timelines. Feasibility Assistant also allows users to route documents internally and view them Online before, during and after submission. |
Flex Board Assistant
Flex Board Assistant is an up-to-date and configurable review board administration module. This utility assists users in designing custom review board software to meet the specific needs of an institution. Users can create and submit applications and forms electronically, and can accomplish routing and reviewing processes efficiently via email alerts and internal system notifications. |
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) Assistant
IACUC Assistant enables researchers to submit their projects electronically for review. The module is used to complete, attach, accept and forward project forms to the IACUC for evaluation. Configurable applications specific to institutional policies ensure that projects are received with comprehensive information. |
Institutional Review Board (IRB) Assistant
IRB Assistant is the clinical researcher`s solution to charting work in hard copy files. This module is used to submit applications and other related forms to specific review boards electronically. |
Multi-Site Assistant
Multi-Site Assistant allows collaboration, assists in relieving Institutional Review Board (IRB) burdens, expedites the process of conducting multi-site trials, reduces work duplication, and helps cut expenses. This module may be useful in creating a consistent review process for any size research network. |
Pre-Award Assistant
Pre-Award Assistant allows institutions to internally route funding applications and supporting documentation to the Grant and Contracts office for review and processing. The module tracks funding status, amount and pre-award accounting. The continuous connection to creates a function in eProposal Assistant that sends out notifications of funding prospects as they become available. |
Radiation Safety Assistant
Radiation Safety Assistant allows institutions to submit study criteria to the Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) and establish guidelines for researchers who report to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Radiation Safety Assistant is completely paperless and uses logic to guide users through each section of forms, based on their responses. |
Scientific Review Board (SRB) Assistant
The Scientific Review Board Assistant automates the review process by integrating site activities directly with the review board(s). Review Board(s) personnel are supplied with submission packets, subject enrollments and study compliance issues as they are entered. Pre-meeting study information is also available electronically to Review Board Members. |
Study Management Assistant
Study Assistant is a featured package for managing various aspects of a clinical study. Some of the main areas include: patient requirements recruiting, screening, and enrollment), doctor and institution requirements (staff qualifications, previous experience, and potential problems), case report forms, and modifiable data collection points. Study Assistant allows for the configuration of applications to automatically branch to the next logical question in a form, based on the user`s response to specific questions. |
The Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) Assistant
The Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) Assistant permits researchers in the Biosafety industry to submit applications and other related forms electronically to the IBC. By viewing all protocol documents Online, reviewers can record comments, make recommendations, provide stipulations and prepare outcome letters electronically with IBC Assistant. |