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The materials on this site are being phased out. For all new work, please refer to the OIT Brand System.



Links should tell people what action to take, where to go next, or what information to expect when they select the link.

  • Create link text that’s as specific as possible. For example, instead of using Click here (which may not make sense for folks using screen readers), consider instead something like Download the full report. Descriptive links provide all users more information about an action they may undertake.
  • Use natural and descriptive language. Make sure the voice and tone of your link text match those of the rest of the content to create a more continuous user experience. Site visitors using screen readers and those reading page copy won’t be jarred from their experience if all text reflects the same voice and tone guidelines.
  • Hyperlink the most relevant word or phrase.
  • Avoid “Click here,” “Learn more,” “See more,” “Read more,” and other generic phrases.
  • Include information about what a link leads to; this is especially important for mobile device users. If you’re linking to a PDF, say so.
  • Don’t punctuate links. Exception: When the link text is a question.
  • If the link text comes at the end of a sentence, don’t hyperlink the ending punctuation.
  • Don’t use the title attribute for links. Use aria-label if additional information is needed for assistive technologies.
  • Don’t make links open in a new window. Exception: Downloadable documents can force a new window or tab, but the label should indicate this behavior.
Do If you have additional questions, contact us immediately.
Don’t Click here for additional information.

Linking to external sites

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) requires, third-party, non-government links to include a disclaimer statement either adjacent to the link or in the form of a pop-up. See M-10-23 and M-05-04 for more information.

Do: You should review the list of PIV office locations to find the nearest one to you.
Don’t: Click here to see a list of PIV office locations.

WCAG 2.0 references

Official VA seal